The ArrowCat 30RS interior was designed to provide a rich and comfortable environment with plush seating, rich wood and ultra-leather trim, as well as upgraded features such as the Isotherm Drawer 65 Refrigerator / Freezer. The salon seating has been raised five inches to provide a commanding view of the scenery while at rest and underway. The forward salon seat is convertible from a bench seat to a forward facing seat adjacent to the helm for ideal companion seating. The raised seating not only provides addition storage, but more convenient storage. The rich wood trim is available in African Mahogany and Canadian Maple and includes the salon table, galley drawer fronts, salon foot pedestal, and the entry to the bathroom and forward berth. Rich ultra-leather trims out the forward berth and companionway as well as the salon. All this luxuory is protected by the All-Weather bulkhead with sliding window and locking door. You, your family, and your boat will be protected in any weather. And when you are done boating, just lock the door and spray down the boat and she will be ready for you when you return. The care and security could not be any easier.