Astonishingly fast, yet stable, The 805 Pro Fish by Quicksilver Boats is for sale!
The Quicksilver shipyard has made a commitment to designing boats illuminated with style and entertainment and at the same time the aspects of safety and functionality cannot be neglected too. Needless to say, Quicksilver has been delivering first-rank quality, cost-efficient and newfangled vessels to the world. The shipyard continuously evolves, thus resulting in a strong partnership with exceedingly experienced designers and engineers from the Brunswick Group which is one of the most dominant forces in the naval market. Synchronically, side by side, they have constructed a supreme line of boats with genuine straightforwardness and integrity that are simply breathtaking. Naturally, one of these amazing boats is the 805 Pro Fish. This sensational craft is everything one may anticipate to get from Quicksilver. It’s a superb sport fishing boat colored with luxuriousness, versatility and different accessories integrated within the boat. The 805 Pro Fish review leaves a powerful impression to all those boat lovers out there.
The 805 Pro Fish possesses a range of quality materials both in the interior and exterior of the vessel; nevertheless, the emphasis should be placed upon ergonomics and design itself. The twin-engine craft presents a real challenge for anglers who love to enjoy the safe navigation on the rough seas at full speed. What more can one look for? The overall length of the 805 Pro Fish is 25 feet and 10 inches while the beam is 8 feet and 4 inches, enabling a total of 9 people on board. Apart from displaying high-tech equipment, it additionally offers comfortable accommodation. The performance is marked by twin engines with a maximum power of up to 400 horsepower. The 805 Pro Fish can reach an unbelievable cruising speed of 35 knots and a maximum speed of 50 knots. That’s right. She can reach 50 knots and one can still feel safe during the ride.
Indeed, safety is Quicksilver’s trademark. First of all, it provides fair measures throughout the boat including seats, passages and even berths. The safety is emphasized by cleats that are installed at the side of the bow which means that they are easily accessible, yet far enough from passages and walkways. Grab handles on the fishing station make passengers extremely secure while walking around the stern area. A highly developed hull and the navigation console which is ergonomically-oriented make the 805 Pro Fish immensely secure and dependable during different weather conditions. Walk through entry around the console enables immediate passage from the bow to the cockpit. Quicksilver really gave a lot of thought into the safety details on the 805 Pro Fish.
Versatile accessories are standard for this charmer. The 805 Pro Fish is furnished with a fish station which is one of the most amazing features on the boat. The fish station includes a sink with a cutting board, pull-out faucet, tackle box, knife holder etc. It’s a multiple-useful accessory. The fish locker is pretty handy as well. Regarding the cockpit, the cozy bucket seats are placed in front of the ergonomic helm with instrumentation. Optional T-top with 4 fishing rods is available as a choice.
The bow is more than practical since it allows for transformation from U-shaped seating to a dining area for several people. Why stop there? The bow can also be altered to double chaise lounges or bow sun lounge for that matter. Features like these enhance the coziness and functionality of the boat. Possessing all these features doesn’t make the 805 Pro Fish price change at all. Almost all of these features come with standard equipment. The designed cabin can host two people. It’s got a sea toilet which is conveniently hidden and rod storage and storage area for different purposes.
Even though the 805 Pro Fish is more of a day boat, it certainly can be used for long rides. Quicksilver engineers and naval architects brainstormed and turned their ideas into reality with this beauty. It’s extremely comfortable and practical. It is astonishingly fast, yet stable and it can take you wherever you heart desires. Bottom line is that this boat can make your dreams come true. Versatile accessories will increase the fun and entertainment during your ride, thus making you wish to stay on board forever.
So make haste and contact us for any information you may need! The 805 Pro Fish is waiting for you. Get on board now!