Hargrave Custom Yachts
Boat Brand & Manufacturer
Country of Origin

United States
Our company was originally known as the top yacht design firm in America when, under the direction of legendary designer Jack Hargrave, the company played an important role in the success of companies like Hatteras, Burger, Amels, Prairie, Atlantic & Halmatic to name just a few.
In 1997, shortly after legendary designer Jack Hargrave passed away, Michael Joyce returned to the company after an absence of twenty years to take over as president and CEO. Recognizing that Hargrave was far more than a design office, Joyce explained to Boating Industry International Magazine that Jack's name was in fact a "brand name" and outlined his plans to begin construction of luxury yachts under the Hargrave banner.
Bringing the Hargrave name into the future first required an admission that the yachting industry had changed. The most successful builders now had their own in-house design and engineering department, and the role of the independent naval architect was changing. Joyce, who had spent his career in the sales, service and distribution side of business, realized that if Hargrave was going to play a key role in the future of the industry, they would have to do it on their own and could no longer rely on builders for their future business.
"In our company we measure our design objectives against Jack Hargrave's dictum that, at the end of the day, the boat has to perform at sea. Everything else in the design process needs to bend to that single principle. It's the right way to do it, and at Hargrave, it's the only way to do it," said Mr. Joyce.
Michael Joyce, head of Hargrave Custom Yachts, has always been an innovator. Embracing the changing times and the technological miracles of our age, he has been able to employ technology without succumbing to it. As a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for the finest traditions in yachting and thirty years experience as a CEO in the industry, he knew it was the right time for a truly custom yacht in the 80?, 100? size range with realistic pricing to enter the market.
His use of computer-aided design and contemporary modes of communication helped bring the Hargrave Company into the 21st Century. Mr. Joyce stated, "Today, demanding buyers customize everything they purchase in life. The computer industry builds computers to order, based on each individual customer's specifications, heck, even Wendy's makes hamburgers to order so why not yachts?"
Michael Joyce has a way of bringing the best of yesterday and today together for a new and better tomorrow. Hargrave has grown in only a few short years to be recognized as a reputable yacht designer, builder and distributor of world-class yachts. We are now well past our initial goal of 50 orders since starting our construction program, we average fourteen to seventeen yachts under construction at one time, and have nine all new models going through development and prototyping at the Hargrave Concept Studio. Over 52% of our owners have built more than one yacht with us and some are now on their fourth order! Maybe it's time for you to take a close look at Hargrave.