THE KROGEN 58' REPRESENTS A GIANT STEP FORWARD, both for this builder and for the industry as a whole. Nothing has been spared to bring her to fruition, from the intellectual rigor applied to arrive at the best possible design, to the care in the selection of the very best construction methods and materials. First and foremost, the Krogen 58' is a home away from home, even a primary home, as the case could be. Every comfort has been provided. There's never the need to leave the nest to travel - you just take it with you, practically anywhere in the world you can find a fathom (or less) of water. The 58' is as perfectly suited for those new to the cruising world as it is for "old salts". She's solid and sure in the open ocean, with systems chosen for their reliability and simplicity of operation. The Krogen 58' could just as capably take you from Annapolis to Athens, as from Nantucket to Newport. Whatever the destination, this capable trawler yachts is ready to go and is truly, at home on any sea.